Book Review # 30 : Clean
Just to make it clear, this is not the book for diet or weight control. It’s the book that intends to change your eating habit and relationship with your food. The goal is to transform your eating perspective completely.
After reading this book and try some of its method, I suddenly realized that my relationship with food is more important than I think. The following sentence from the book actually explains the whole concept.
“You are what you eat and you eat what you are”
The first part of “ you are what you eat” is quite straightforward and familiar. I grew up listening to this phrase all the time. However, I still eat bad food even though I know it’s unhealthy. The reason is I can’t fight the “craving”. Whenever, I go into diet program it seems like tons of effort has to be put in. My body actually “wants” the bad food but can’t eat it because I’m on a diet. Sounds familiar?
Here comes the second part that will explain the first part,
“you eat what you are”
This phase is not so common to me. Actually, I think I never heard it before I read this book. Explained in detail in the book is how the chemical in our body reacts to cravings. Basically, if you train yourself by putting in fat and unhealthy food you will crave for more fat and unhealthy food. Your body actually “wants” the unhealthy food.
On the opposite side, if you train yourself to eat healthy food. Your body will be craving for healthy food. You will actually “wants” to eat healthy and believe when it’s come to food, “want to” is much different from “have to”.
It might be difficult to believe but you can actually crave for broccoli instead of french fries.
The book will give you how you will be able to change eating habit completely and what will happen to your body and mind.
I have personally tried some of the methods in this book. Within less than a month, these are the things that happen to me :
- I have much more energy, I no longer feel lack of energy and sleepy during the afternoon
- My concentration is at all time high
- I no longer have sleepless nights
- I no longer suffer from GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease)
- I lose 5 kg
- My skin condition is improving magically without using any cosmetics
My relationship with food has evolved to the level that sugary donuts don’t seem attractive to me anymore. All the carving for fatty food suddenly disappears. When there is a sugary stuff in front of me, I no longer “want” to eat it.
The routine is quite simple, apart from vegetable juice I ate before meals, I just avoid three whites which are white sugar, white flour and white rice (and all of its byproducts). It might seem a bit difficult to follow the routine at first but once you’d get everything settled, good things come naturally. You will not want to get back to your old eating habit again.
If you believe that a healthy mind stays in a healthy body, this is definitely the book for you.