“Intuition is nothing but the outcome of earlier intellectual experience” - Albert Einstein
Well well well, it’s good to be back.I haven’t been doing the book review for over a month.
As we all know, Thailand faced one of the worst flood in our nation’s history. While the real cause of the flood is debatable, it’s about time we get our lives back together and move on.
During the peak period I absorbed the flooding news like sponge. Therefore, i was too stress to read, too stress to do something creative. Basically, I was kind of dried out. I managed to read only one book during that period (No, it’s not the book i’m going to review today). It’s a Japanese thriller which was actually quite good.
Anyway, back to our book. I bought this book after I attended the TCDC annual symposium which one of the key speakers that day was Luke Williams. The overall event itself was astonishing but Mr William speech has given me some insights that I would like to study more. Thus, I ordered 5 copies of “Disrupt” from Asia Books online. Of course, i only kept one copy for myself, the rest I distributed to my marketing team.
Mr William’s job is quite interesting, he works for FROG design and teaches at NYU. He specialized in finding solutions through innovative design. By the meaning of design, I wasn’t talking about the traditional meaning of design we are familiar too. This concept of design is actually covers all perspective from the physical product to mental structure.
This book is not a self help book or a book about brainstorming. It’s more like a book about engineering concept. Only that it’s talking about engineering your mindset. It’s like a manual per say.
I’m not going to go through the detail of this book becuase it’s a very short book and everyone can finish it in a day. Moreover, in order to accomplish the goal of this book, it’s essential to go though every single pages very carefully and thoroughly.
I have read it three time myself before I start applying the concept of the book into one of the project I’m working on. Now my office wall is covered with posts-it.
This book is the example of sometime something so simple can slipped our mind. Quite literally, this book will help you get a grip on your own mind. Amazing
9/10 for this one