Harvard Business Review 10 Must Read on Change
I can’t remember buying this book no matter how hard I try. Out of nowhere, it’s kind of appear in my library. Anyway, this book sold at Kinokuniya for THB 898. It’s about 200 pages and full with useful stuff.
It’s basically a what the book claimed to be, it’s a package of articles on “Change” that considered best articles from publisher’s opinions.
The articles were written by the following authors
John P Kotter
David A Garvin and Michael A Roberto
Paul Hemp and Thomas A Steward
Dabra E Meyerson
W Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne
Ronald A Heifetz and Marty Linsky
Robert Kekan and Lisa Laskow Lahey
Michael Beer and Nitin Nohria
Harodl L Sirkin, Perry Keenan and Alan Jackson
Michael Beer, Russell A Eisenstat and Bert Spector
Each article is about 20 pages give or take, the good thing is that it’s self contain. Thus, by reading each of the article, you will get a whole story in less than 30 minutes.
However, it’s still an academic articles. It totally remind me of reading organizational behavior text book while I studied my MBA. Boring Boring Boring....
Also, since they organized in un-related chapter although it’s on the same topic but writing style is totally different from article to article. Therefore, it’s lack on continuity.
The essences of the book is to emphasize on why and how it is so important to change your organization (and I always thought that the same principle can be used to change our own behavior too). Step by step, this book will guide you on how to implement the change strategy and what are the issues that need to addresses. Also, what are the general mistakes people do when trying to implement change strategy in their organization. It also contains case studies and example what have been done right or wrong.
The book is “complete” in the sense that if someone go through all the guidelines, it’s pretty much ensure that that people will be successful at implementing the change strategy in their organization. Beware though, things are easier said than done as usual.
To sum it up, it a very good reference book when you want to do a presentation to impress your boss or client. It’s contains models, theories and fancy charts that can be used to convince people in the meeting room.
It’s a boring book that you should have on your book shelf and from time to time, you might find it useful.
Like Hemingway said, not all the good books are fun. Judging from that principle, I give this book 8/10.